UP DATE (Also please read first article from this site. Thank you)
Hi, my name is Robbie Davies and I was born in 1973 with cerebral palsy quadriplegia. When I was 12 my parents were told not to bother with physiotherapy and placed in a wheelchair. Previously I 'bunny hopped' around on the floor and could rollover independently in bed. Six months after being placed in a wheelchair I could do neither.
Since that time I have wanted my entire legs removed (bilateral hip disarticulation). For the past 15 years I have been confined 24/7 to a wheelchair as the pain in my hips due to arthritis and bone spurs became so unbearable that I could no longer sleep in a bed. Infact, I tried to take my life in April 2009 while in the 'care' of the Royal Public Darwin Hospital (known as the Death Trap) as the pain of even sitting in my wheelchair had become so unbearable. I now have massive scarring on my scalp due to my 'trip' down the stairs in my electric wheelchair.
In 2012 due to relentless abuse and indifference by the medical system my carer of 21 years fled with me to Penrith, NSW. Arriving at Nepean Hospital I begged to have my legs removed but was refused. 'No one will do that for you', I was told. Nor was anyone willing to help me find someone who would. In 2013 surgeons at the same hospital reluctantly agreed to perform a double above knee amputation in December, 2013, due to pressure from a local MP and advice from Australia's leading orthopaedic surgeon. Though my carer and I knew it would not remove the hip pain and the reason for my confinement to my wheelchair we had no choice but jump through the hoops of those controlling my life. I was reassured that further operations would be considered later if necessary.
June, 2015. All further surgeries have been dismissed. My spine is now collapsing from sitting up in my wheelchair for nearly 16 years. My lower jaw has moved forward making chewing more and more difficult as my molars no longer touch. Again, I have been refused a life saving bilateral hip disarticulation. In May my surgeon at Nepean Hospital bluntly refused. He reluctantly agreed to see me again five weeks along, on 17th of June, but two days before the appointment had a patient advocate phone to say that due to patient/doctor relationship breakdown he had cancelled the appointment. During the May appointment he said he did not want to harm me with such surgery and thus break the Hippocratic Oath. But he was comfortable with me going home till I could nolonger sleep in my wheelchair and forced to possibly take my own life it seems, and while at it make sure my carer also took himself out. He stated that no one with cerebral palsy has had such surgery, apparently. I said it was my choice to risk it killing me as I was going to die soon anyway if I did not take the chance. He shook his head. No I have no choice over my future. None at all. The doctors can dope me up and put me away in a home where everyone agrees I would shortly die thus be complicit in my death but not made accountable. The doctors through their indifference and negligence can cost me my life and get a tick of approval. It's ok for me to take my life with assistance as it's not their problem, so it seems. But anyone helping me will get 14 years for murder. When people with cerebral palsy die before they are 70 due to suicide or while institutionalised or in hospital it is generally due to neglect and abuse. Not because we naturally die early.
Please, there must be a hospital willing to perform a bilateral hip disarticulation and save me from a fate worse than death. An agonising early unnecessary death in a hospital bed. Another silenced statistic no one will hear about. Another inconvenience swept under a backward and negligent medical system in Australia. I would go to China where the most advanced care for those with cerebral palsy is available but I can not afford it nor should I have to travel overseas. Australia has recently been put on the United Nations list as one of the most abusive countries towards it's disable, indigenous and refugees. I am a prime example of that abuse. I will not be silenced. I will fight; not die.
My carer, Sam Davies, has created a website for me at to show how you, the general public, might be able to help. Also
Till I can get help I will continue my sit in 24/7 at 50 Station Street, Penrith, NSW, Australia. Hopefully the police will not arrest me through order of the authorities due to my exposing my abuse and that of thousands in Australia often resulting in our deaths. The below people are aware of my situation but apparently nothing they can do. Unacceptable!!! I'm not worthless. Living at home for 21 years has saved the tax payer 16 million dollars.
Fiona Scott MP: (02) 47313700
31 High St, Penrith, NSW.
Stuart Ayres MP: (02) 47228660
Shop 23 Ground Floor, Penrith Centre, 510-534 High Street, Penrith, NSW.
Professor Al Muderis: (Australia's top orthopedic surgeon) 0423214342
Thank you.